Sunday, December 23, 2012

Secret Behind Sachin's Retirement

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Real Reason Why Aseem Trivedi Was Released

Aseem Trivedi is not the only one languishing in jail becaus of Sedition charges. Seema Azad and Vishwa Vijay were arrested on the same charges and got bail just a month back after 2 years in prison and one of the cases they are fighting is sedition. Arun Ferriera was charged with a plethora of charges, one being sedition which has now been quashed by the High Court. Sudhir Dhawale, who used to publish 'Vidrohi' magazine where he exposed the state, was slapped with the same and is languishing in jail. Binayak Sen's case is well known. What is not so well known are the thousands of people languishing in the various jails of the country, more specifically Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand on charges of Sedition. Few will talk about them, but the more the government keeps Aseem Trivedi in jail, the more it stands to expose itself.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Mad Man

In-dependence Day

Those who called it Independence day instead of freedom day, were giving us a message. For in India you are always ‘In-dependence’ of corrupt to the teeth political men, corrupting businessmen, misleading god-men, lying media men… the result -  ignorant classes and hungry, suffering masses. So yes Happy Independence Day to you. As for me, I’m not happy with my in-dependence at all.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Female Victoryside

Could the phenomenal success of Indian women in the Olympics, lead to 'female victoryside'?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Saudi Woman in Olympics

The first Saudi Arabian woman runs in the Olympics this year


This may seem funny, but its not... Government of India needs to repeal the draconian law AFSPA immediately...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sonography Clinic

Superwoman Mary Kom is out to rid the nation of its evils. And the best thing, she doesn't even need to be present.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

God Particle?

God and Dog not only come from the same three alphabets, but are actually diagonally opposite to each other... Thus, if 'God Particle' was found, how could 'Dog Particle' be far behind.

“Sir we finally found the ‘DOG Particle’… shall we issue a press release with photos of the particle to the international press?”

“*&$*#&# just throw away the bitch-poop you idiot.”

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Taliban and Vasant Dhoble

There is similarity between Vasant Dhoble who's closing Mumbai's pubs and bars and Taliban...